Monday, October 8, 2012

Fall! Books! And Pictures!

So.. IT'S FALL!  


Sorry, it's just, well, you know.. fall! My favorite time of year when all the leaves change color and the temperature drops from too warm for sweats and a hoody to just right. It's when I can finally taste the sweet sweet nectar of hot chocolate in all it's many forms, while curled up on the couch and veg to some of my favorite movies like Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus and Coraline (amongst many others).

It's the time of year when ghosts and goblins begin to litter the yards, keeping the fallen leaves company and children become even more antsy than usual, waiting for Halloween and the following weeks of sugar shock induced comas, while they fret over costumes for the long awaited night.

It's also the time for All Hallow's Read, something I heard about a few years back and have since fallen in love with. I blogged about this last year and I'm going to do it again this year. The idea behind All Hallows Read is to give a book, a scary book, to somebody on Halloween. It's an idea that's beginning to take off and someday, will become tradition, but for now we have this: which explains everything much better than I can. There's even a really cool poster for libraries and bookstores and whoever else!

This fall is one filled with many "firsts" for me, as well as my little Bootstrap. I'm unusually excited about Halloween because it's his first. His mom wants him to be a tiger or something but I see an Ewok in our future ;)

This Mr. Mom thing is becoming a bit easier and more fulfilling as I learn how to use his naps as productively as possible. Cleaning, laundry, fixing computers and writing; I'll get the hang of it eventually.

Here's what the two of us have been up to of late
Visiting Grandma (AKA: Mom)

Picnic! His food and mine

Getting sleepy on said picnic

Still Picnicking

Staring at the Polar popping out of the water right up against the glass. Mom's in the background :)

So there's that, hope you enjoyed the pics!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Plot a lot (I don't)

I believe in one of my previous posts I promised to talk about plotting out a story. I never did. Mostly because I'm terrible at this whole blog thing and rarely get around to writing a post. Also, I've realized that for the most part I don't really plot out any of my stories. I tend to free write, I sit down and let the story flow its course and I just ride along as the words flow out my finger tips.

This works great for short stories, which I tend to write quite frequently, though some tend to go on and on and become things somewhat larger than mere short stories. I've come to the decision that I'm going to start sending out my short stories, entering them in different competitions and submitting them to different literary magazines and such. I figure I might as well, I write them, no one reads them. Aside from my wife after I pester her to death. So, if you happen to know of any legit magazines and competitions, hit me up. I'd appreciate it.

Back to plotting, plots, plot points, etc. Fun stuff. My current WIP has the working title of The Fox Spirit which I talked about in a previous post. I haven't done much with plotting the story, I have a rough feel for the overall idea behind it. Several important plot points I'm excited to write. It seems to work for me. I know some people do a lot of plotting, lots of background and lots of world building (especially if it's an epic fantasy) but there are others who don't really do any plotting at all.

This is basically what the plotline is:

Exposition- Basically it's just the beginning of your plot where the audience meets your characters. Most importantly the main character, or protagonist. What are they like? What do they want? Who are they? Do they have any hopes, dreams or fears? What do they struggle with? These are some fairly basic questions which in most novels are answered or at least addressed in some form during this part of the book. This part ends once you introduce conflict.

Rising Action- This is where your protagonist and other characters start to walk into hell. Usually, the protagonist will have a goal to further the story. Knight goes to rescue princess, detective tries to find killer, etc. This bigger goal is usually interrupted by smaller obstacles which build tension, small failures and small successes that help develop characters and their relationships. In the graph it's all zig zagged, shooting up and coming back down. Giving the reader a burst of action or tension and then resolving it, letting the reader relax.

Climax- The most exciting part of the story. The protagonist generally comes face to face with the problem for the first time and must make a crucial decision. This is where they show what they're really made of and where they change. Up to this point your character is more or less the same person, the climax is the point of no return where your character's choice will determine who he/she will become by the end of the book.

Falling action- Life goes on. Things return to normal, even if the problem hasn't been solved. Loose ends start coming together and answers start falling into place for the reader.

Resolution- Things resolve. It's basically the end. Any remaining loose ends are tied off, unanswered questions are dealt with swiftly and the story concludes. The consequences of the previous events become apparent (the good and the bad) and..

That's it. In a nutshell. You can go through and plot out everything of the story. Beginning, middle and end. You can plot out every detail if you'd like or sketch a simple outline, or just write.

Do you plot extensively? Outline? Or simply write?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Random, venting, sleep

Tried sleep. Tonight I fear it will not come.

William is asleep next to me, in his cradle, while my wife is on the couch. She insisted, so she could get some sleep.

The night seems to be dragging on, moving much slower than other nights when the land of dreams evades me, when I have less running through my noggin. It seems unfair and yet, that's life, isn't it?

Life is unfair, unjust and cruel but at the same time filled with hope, with magic, yet most importantly, love. Though during our moments of trial, of darkness, it's hard to see the guiding lights and keep a hold of our hopes and dreams.

I suppose I'll try again to enter into slumber, as it is very late. Thank you for allowing me to ramble on a bit in the online realm.

Goodnight, or perhaps, good morning

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A post! I can't believe it

It's late.

Far too late for me to up and writing a blog with the little devil that runs my life around and yet..  it may turn out to be somewhat of a habit. I generally watch little ol' Bootstrap (who's becoming increasingly less little at an alarming and frightening rate) during the night because my wife takes certain medications that send her off to lands of bliss and merry little tree gnomes playing their flutes to old Elton John records. I'm jealous of course, not of the medication part but, honestly, who doesn't love Elton John?

Anywhos, I usually end up somewhat sleeping. The little tyke generally sleeps well but fidgets a lot and I'm what you could describe as a borderline paranoid (though less so than my wife), anxiety ridden first time dad who's imagination turns against him and sends him into panic mode at the slightest sound or moveme- Hang on...


Okay, he's still breathing. All is good...

Alright, alright. I'm not that bad.. anymore. I've gotten better.

As I was saying, I usually tried to sleep, would get some sleep and then sleep for a few hours while my wife took him in the morning. (note: this routine only started a few weeks back when I lost my job, before that I had to get up early every morning so my wife took him.. I know, I know.. Justified but probably unfair.. Okay, okay I totally could have helped out more back then, but I'm trying to make up for it now)

I'd make some promise or plan to get up and write in the morning but it would never happen and when I finally did get up, I'd usually get sucked into the day's affairs. Mostly helping my wife with William, looking for a job and being a vegetable. (I've totally gotten sucked into Merlin on netflix. Have you seen it?? It's awesome) Needless to say, I never got any writing done, or rarely got any done.

Tonight I decided to start something different and lo and behold, I'm writing. I'm actually excited about writing the story I started not long ago, which was inspired by a poor little roadkill fox I saw in the middle of the night plastered to the road (Foxes are one of my very favorite animals. What? They're adorable, you can't deny it) and my love of all things Japanese. I had lost interest a while back, floundering on which direction it would take and tonight I decided to sit down and just write. Good or bad, or possibly worse in my case.

-"I just had an apostrophe!"
-"I think you mean an epiphany"
-"Lightning had just struck my brain"
-"Well that must hurt"
It didn't! It was marvelous! I had direction and a much broader scope, the short story had become something else entirely. Something I'm passionate about, and now I find myself chewing through research and plotting (somewhat, I'm not much of a plotter, I guess I should say outlining) and setting down characters. Hopefully, I can keep it all up!

I guess the point I've been trying to make is that, I  wasn't making time to write. During the day was hard because there are other things I need to be doing and because my wife doesn't like me locking myself away for hours on end when I could be spending time with her and our son. Which, in all honestly is more important and I acknowledge that fact and for that very reason I don't usually write during the day. But because I wasn't writing I lost interest in my story. I lost the love and the excitement I had at unfolding this tale and bringing it to light. However, now I believe I've finally discovered a time when I can write and that time is now, and from here on out it's what I plan on doing.

What about you? When do you write? Is there a set time? A schedule? Or is more spur of the moment? How do you fit writing in with family, friends and other responsibilities?

Well, I'm off to bed. It's late and I'm tired.

Sweet dreams.

P.S. - That quote above is from Hook. If you didn't know that, you've failed in life up to this point and should either go find and watch the movie right away or simply cease to exist. Your choice. Happy writing!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sorry for the lack of posts

Well, I know I promised a blog on plots quite awhile ago, however, the last month or so has been quite eventful, hectic and stressful. It was a month filled with surprises of the not so much fun variety and I regret to say that my writing had to take a backseat during the last little while.

For those of you that know me, and who are somewhat aware of the situations my family and I have faced, rest assured that we are all healthy and happy and working towards being and feeling much better than we have been.

I'll get a real blog post up soon, I hope.

Until then, keep dreaming big and working to make those dreams a reality.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mostly writing, an evil iguana and a picture

It's been a large gap once more since my last post, for the few of you that actually follow me, I apologize. For those who don't and are reading this now, shame on you, because you really ought to follow and share it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Make Good Art" -Neil Gaiman

I found this speech immensely inspiring and entertaining. It was given to the University of Arts graduating class of 2012 by Neil Gaiman, who gave advice on entering the world of "The Arts."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Laundry basket beds and writing

I'm sitting here next to my wife, who is currently facebooking and deciding which pictures of William she wants printed up, while William himself is currently laying in a makeshift bed of blankets, pillows and a laundry basket. There's lasagna in the oven which a friend of ours is currently making, we're all huddled around the TV attempting to watch Grimm on Hulu (it isn't working) while sharing loveseats and couches with beagles and a greyhound.

I'm writing on a netbook I recently bought off of this same friend and I'm quite enjoying it, though still working on getting everything more.. me. I got it to write wherever and whenever I can. I've been doing better on that front, though there's still room for improvement. I haven't been keeping track of a word count because I've been writing in a regular old notebook (made of sheets of paper, college ruled... with a pen) and I've been too lazy to count the words myself.

Bootstrap is doing great, he had a bit of a cold but seems to be getting better, he's just stuffed up. He may have gotten me sick, more than likely I got him sick but I hope not, I have a runny nose and a very sore throat, I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow and I'll feel bad if he's suffering my same fate.

CONduit is almost here. I finally decided that I'll be attending and I'm eagerly looking forward to it. For any of you who have previously attended. Any tips or advice?

I am still looking for a writing group, if you know of one please let me know.

Finally a blog post I found through Neil Gaiman's twitter (@neilhimself):

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mostly just an update

Becky Green Photography
So it's been just over a week since Bootstrap, a.k.a. William, arrived and I'm delighted to let you all know that he's happy and healthy. As is his mom, who now glows in a way she never did before. He's a quiet and calm little tyke for the most part, for which I'm grateful. Hopefully he'll stay that way!

I meet up with an old friend of mine who was kind enough to do some newborn photos for us. It was great seeing her again and she did a fantastic job. You can see more of Master William here at Becky Green Photography's facebook page under the photo album Baby Wiliam.

 I also recommend visiting Becky's new website and checking out her other works:

It's been a busy week and then some with the small bundle of joy and poop but it's been inspiring in more than many ways.
Mom and Baby (Beck Green Photography)

I recently continued my writing on the novel I'm currently working on, a young adult fantasy by the looks of it, and I'm finding myself rather motivated. It's a great feeling feeling. I think that reading has added to it, kind of like a fantastic potluck where each dish seems to fit just right with and compliment the others.

I recently finished Vodnik, the new book from Bryce Moore, who himself is new to the published author world, a place I hope to find myself one day. I have to say it was a fantastic read and I highly recommend it. You can find a great review of the book if you click this and read an awesome interview with the author if you click that. My bottom line on the subject is read it.

Before I go, I wanted to quickly touch on two subjects.

First: CONduit 2012 is fast approaching (a convention for fantasy and sci-fi. This is their link) and I'm debating on whether or not I should attend.

Second: I'm currently looking to join a writing group (or maybe I should start one?) if there are any of you out there who belong to, or know of, one (or several) that may be looking for members or would be willing to welcome another. Please let me know by either commenting or emailing me at

I'd greatly appreciate ideas and suggestions for either, thanks!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bootstrap is born

      Another addition has arrived to the Nevarez family and will join Ashley (my wife) and I, along with Midna and Muta (our kittens), tomorrow afternoon in our humble home. He's quiet, gentle and has so far captured the hearts of everyone he's met. His name is William Morgan Thomas Nevarez and was born April 26th at 10:29pm. He weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and measured in at 22 inches.
William (Bootstrap) Nevarez

      He's a beautiful addition to our little family and has already commanded the attention of most extended family quite a few friends. He'll fit in perfectly. If you'd like to see more pics, check out my Facebook here.

      It was really something spectacular, his being born. Due to certain unforeseeable circumstances my wife had to have a cesarean section (c-section) and accompanied her to the O.R. I have to confess that I stayed up by her head, holding her hand, and didn't venture further south. Though I did sneak a couple peaks around the curtain. Lots of blood and other things are what assaulted my eyes, and though I didn't get woozy, it was probably safer that I stayed behind the curtain. I know my wife appreciated it.

     I didn't see much of him initially, there were about nine people involved, eleven counting my wife and I, and bodies just seemed to get in the way as they went about doing what they do in order to ensure baby is healthy and stays healthy. When they were finished however, he was handed to me. There was an instant of uncertainty and very real fear as the doctor (or nurse or whoever) placed him in my arms, but as I looked down at his little face any doubts I may have had vanished. My fears were replaced with a warmth and a sudden understanding of what being a parent is about, though it may be daunting, it is a very real honor and privilege.

      Over the past few days I've spent in the hospital with Ashley and William I've been astounded by how much love such a tiny little person can inspire not only in family and friends but strangers as well. I look forward to the adventures that lay ahead, and though uncertain, I meet them head on with both my wife and son beside me.

Any parents out there that have any advice for a new father?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Same ol' story

  Its been awhile since my last post (as usual) and once again I'm hoping to have a readily accessible internet source aside from my phone (it will happen eventually if I keep hoping, right?)
  I've been on a downhill slope lately as far as my writing goes, I got into it for a few days, the ideas and words just seemed to spill out my brain and down my arm to my fingers and then finally to my pen, pages of chicken scratch filled and a feeling of accomplishment began to build and then it kinda wilted away.
  I could say that I've been busy, that I've been distracted by things like work, family and a baby boy who refuses to join said family out in the real world (though I can hardly blame him, it's probably warm and comfy in there) I could say that I've had writers block or that once again mutant zombie rodents have tried to attack my humble abode and all of those things would be true (except the ones which aren't [oh, and that they weren't rodents this time])
  Mostly, however, I'm just lazy, a habitual procrastinator and really good at making excuses as to why I can't do it now and why it's better to do it later. These things tend to get in the way and the more I do them the easier it is to do them again, kind of like how it gets easier and easier to do things we believe are wrong once we start down that road. Same principle, though not quite the same moral issue.
  My wife is busy catching up with and old friend who came to visit and I suddenly found myself alone, finishing another book (and feeling guilty about not finishing my own.) So I'm here, writing this now, so I don't feel as guilty about it (at least I'm writing, right.) The basic idea behind starting this blog was to keep writing, even if I wasn't working on a current story or novel, and to write about writing. So I'm doing it, working up the nerve to ask my story back out onto the proverbial dance floor.
  I have goals, dreams and aspirations. Things I'd like to see form into a type of reality. It's going to take some changes in my daily ritual to make these things happen and I imagine that my soon to be new born son will steal many an hour of potential writing time, but I will write when I can and blog when I can and continue to strive for more regular posts.
  What are some of the things that interfere with your own writing (novel, short story, blog or otherwise), or dreams and hobbies, and how do you deal with them? When do you find time to do what you love.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I love to write, I've said it before and I'll probably say it again. I also love to read (fantastic fiction mostly) and I try to do both as often as possible. I also love to read about writing, how others do it and what works or doesn't work for them personally. I often find similar struggles in my own work, like fleshing out character, or the biggie, dialogue (shudder); though my biggest personal struggle would probably the combination between the constant flow of new ideas that spill out of my mind and the horrible lack of focus on what I'm currently working on. If I were to compare it to anything else I'd have to say it's strikingly similar to the dogs from Disney's UP (were I a dog and ideas squirells), though I think it may be worse in my case, I don't tend to come back to what I was doing until much later.
Does anyone else share a similar problem (or any other type)? If so, what do you do to overcome it?