Sunday, August 12, 2012

A post! I can't believe it

It's late.

Far too late for me to up and writing a blog with the little devil that runs my life around and yet..  it may turn out to be somewhat of a habit. I generally watch little ol' Bootstrap (who's becoming increasingly less little at an alarming and frightening rate) during the night because my wife takes certain medications that send her off to lands of bliss and merry little tree gnomes playing their flutes to old Elton John records. I'm jealous of course, not of the medication part but, honestly, who doesn't love Elton John?

Anywhos, I usually end up somewhat sleeping. The little tyke generally sleeps well but fidgets a lot and I'm what you could describe as a borderline paranoid (though less so than my wife), anxiety ridden first time dad who's imagination turns against him and sends him into panic mode at the slightest sound or moveme- Hang on...


Okay, he's still breathing. All is good...

Alright, alright. I'm not that bad.. anymore. I've gotten better.

As I was saying, I usually tried to sleep, would get some sleep and then sleep for a few hours while my wife took him in the morning. (note: this routine only started a few weeks back when I lost my job, before that I had to get up early every morning so my wife took him.. I know, I know.. Justified but probably unfair.. Okay, okay I totally could have helped out more back then, but I'm trying to make up for it now)

I'd make some promise or plan to get up and write in the morning but it would never happen and when I finally did get up, I'd usually get sucked into the day's affairs. Mostly helping my wife with William, looking for a job and being a vegetable. (I've totally gotten sucked into Merlin on netflix. Have you seen it?? It's awesome) Needless to say, I never got any writing done, or rarely got any done.

Tonight I decided to start something different and lo and behold, I'm writing. I'm actually excited about writing the story I started not long ago, which was inspired by a poor little roadkill fox I saw in the middle of the night plastered to the road (Foxes are one of my very favorite animals. What? They're adorable, you can't deny it) and my love of all things Japanese. I had lost interest a while back, floundering on which direction it would take and tonight I decided to sit down and just write. Good or bad, or possibly worse in my case.

-"I just had an apostrophe!"
-"I think you mean an epiphany"
-"Lightning had just struck my brain"
-"Well that must hurt"
It didn't! It was marvelous! I had direction and a much broader scope, the short story had become something else entirely. Something I'm passionate about, and now I find myself chewing through research and plotting (somewhat, I'm not much of a plotter, I guess I should say outlining) and setting down characters. Hopefully, I can keep it all up!

I guess the point I've been trying to make is that, I  wasn't making time to write. During the day was hard because there are other things I need to be doing and because my wife doesn't like me locking myself away for hours on end when I could be spending time with her and our son. Which, in all honestly is more important and I acknowledge that fact and for that very reason I don't usually write during the day. But because I wasn't writing I lost interest in my story. I lost the love and the excitement I had at unfolding this tale and bringing it to light. However, now I believe I've finally discovered a time when I can write and that time is now, and from here on out it's what I plan on doing.

What about you? When do you write? Is there a set time? A schedule? Or is more spur of the moment? How do you fit writing in with family, friends and other responsibilities?

Well, I'm off to bed. It's late and I'm tired.

Sweet dreams.

P.S. - That quote above is from Hook. If you didn't know that, you've failed in life up to this point and should either go find and watch the movie right away or simply cease to exist. Your choice. Happy writing!!


  1. Like :)

    Right now Trevor writes in the afternoons before I get home from work. Sometimes he writes in the evenings when I have photography stuff to do. We'll brainstorm in the evenings together too. Involve your wife :) I highly recommend it.

    1. I think that's a great idea! I'm always nagging her to read this or that and tell me what she thinks but only recently have I included her more in depth with my writing. Due mostly to the YA book I'm writing which has become steeped in Japanese folklore and mythology, of which she's expert. HAHA
