Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Laundry basket beds and writing

I'm sitting here next to my wife, who is currently facebooking and deciding which pictures of William she wants printed up, while William himself is currently laying in a makeshift bed of blankets, pillows and a laundry basket. There's lasagna in the oven which a friend of ours is currently making, we're all huddled around the TV attempting to watch Grimm on Hulu (it isn't working) while sharing loveseats and couches with beagles and a greyhound.

I'm writing on a netbook I recently bought off of this same friend and I'm quite enjoying it, though still working on getting everything more.. me. I got it to write wherever and whenever I can. I've been doing better on that front, though there's still room for improvement. I haven't been keeping track of a word count because I've been writing in a regular old notebook (made of sheets of paper, college ruled... with a pen) and I've been too lazy to count the words myself.

Bootstrap is doing great, he had a bit of a cold but seems to be getting better, he's just stuffed up. He may have gotten me sick, more than likely I got him sick but I hope not, I have a runny nose and a very sore throat, I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow and I'll feel bad if he's suffering my same fate.

CONduit is almost here. I finally decided that I'll be attending and I'm eagerly looking forward to it. For any of you who have previously attended. Any tips or advice?

I am still looking for a writing group, if you know of one please let me know.

Finally a blog post I found through Neil Gaiman's twitter (@neilhimself):

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