So we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year once more, a year older and wiser and wishing that the holidays had lasted longer. Behind us lie only the memories of what last year brought us; love, heartache and the many adventures of what we call life.
This is the time of year when many come to the decision that a change is needed, around the house or within themselves. Many may decide to join in on making new years resolutions, we all know how that goes. We say we're gonna eat healthier, exercise and lose weight. That we'll save more and spend less, we'll get that garden started this year or finally finish the deck. Most of us don't give these resolutions a second thought after we've made them, and I admit that I'm among those who have done this. It's for this reason I made a resolution to stop making new years resolutions, that way once the end of year rolls around I won't look back and say, "Oh, yeah. I was gonna do that"
I do, however, want to make some serious changes in my family's life as well as my own. For now it's just the two of us but very soon it will be three (six if you include the demons the prowl the halls), therefore, my resolution to not make resolutions has created a problem. I've been giving it a lot of thought and there are still some things that need to be discussed with my wife, but I believe that this year will be one to remember.
Looking back over the holidays I'm grateful I was able to spend them with my wife, even if quite a bit of it was in the E.R. (everything's fine and both Ashley and baby William are in great health), I was also able to spend time with family and with some close friends of ours. There was even a type of unspoken truce between family members on my wife's side that allowed her to see her younger siblings, who she has missed very dearly over the past couple of months.
The new year has brought yet another new beginning, the finally completed (well mostly) basement apartment we were supposed to move into before Thanksgiving, is finally ready for us to move in. We've already started, though its been mostly small knick-knacks and random objects of sentimental value. All the big stuff will be moved in soon enough by friends while I'm at work (though I'd much rather be at home moving things than working, haha)
That's all there is for now, hopefully I'll be writing again soon and more frequently over this year. Until next time.
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